Monday, December 29, 2008


Yes! What a wonderful way to finish this year… After that my crazy and lovely husband came up with the idea: “I want to be a daddy!” and me, after being a little bit scare for all what it means, I though… What the heck! What else can happen? To be happier than what we already are? I can live with that…
And now we’re happily pregnant with 9 weeks. Time is passing kind of slow now, but I think that now that we’re going to Colombia for two months to visit our families, it will keep us really busy. The good think is that I will have my mommy cooking for me, the opportunity to buy nice things for babies at home and so far my Poso has been an angel with me...Actually he always is =)
The baby is too tiny now, but later I promise to put some pictures!!


  1. Congratulations. What a great news for this new year. This is a real gift.

  2. Congrats for the new member of your family!!! It must be exciting to know that you have this new life growing inside of you! I hope this new experience bring more happiness to your marriage!! I cannot wait to see her/him!!!

  3. Of all the sh*t that happened in 2008, finally there's good news! Congratulations!

  4. Laurita!!! I felt so happy for you 2 when I found out. The decision to bring a child to the world is not easy, you have to be prepared for that, but I think that for you 2 it's have already spent time together (I mean just the 2 of you), now with "napita" things will be even better.
    Again congratulations!!! We all will be looking after you.

  5. Congratulations! Children give new meaning to life! Enjoy your time in Colombia with your family! Godspeed!

  6. Hey hey,,,!!!Congratulation, I honestly think having a baby is one of the greatest thing it can happen to a couple, "experience is talking" I was always afraid of it, but now, i know its a different level of maturity, my baby helped me to grow as a person, made me know the a feeling I didn't know i had inside, there is no way somebody will know how deep this kind of love is without having the experience, living the experience. You could give your life for this a little person, its the power source of you life, the energy that will move you, it will just get you going no matter what, no matter what!!
    Laura and Husband go for it!!! congratulations!!. Just get ready for nights without sleeping, at least at the first year, but its ok, jajajaj

  7. Laura discúlpame olvide mencionar el nombre de tu esposo, pero aquí lo rectifico, Augusto felicidades, Que Dios los Bendiga, es una buena y maravillosa oportunidad de conocer el amor de Dios. El hizo posible que los humanos experimentáramos este milagro de traer una vida a la humanidad. felicidades!!

  8. Me gusto mucho tu blog, buenisimo lo de colombia, y la verdad que bendicion para ti el bebe, me alegro mucho, ha de ser una experiencia hermosa, y pues mas que Dios lo manda a un hogar donde el bebe recibira el amor y carino que merece!!!

  9. OMG... I wasn't expecting all this beautiful comments! thanks to all of you! you're making the experience even better ;) Love you all!!!
