Tuesday, December 30, 2008

While I stay at home..

My poso goes in his first track experience... and also goes drifting

Fun at the race track. Biking and drifting from iix23 on Vimeo.

Monday, December 29, 2008

I gave my Best.. lol

Browsing the web I found the piece that will go will go into the history books as the worst ever representation of Ricky Martin..

Don't mess with a Colombian

This is Sofia Vergara.. from my City :)

Things you have to know about my Colombia…

As many of you may know, my beautiful country is facing a big problem with guerillas and drugs, one study said that 80% of the market of cocaine in the word belongs to Colombian drug dealers… too bad, but good marketing strategy tough… Here are some interesting things that I want to share with all of you, and next time you think about Colombia you’ll have something nice to think about:
• Amphibians #1 in the world with 583 species
• Advises 5 countries in aerial security matters. Among the top ten in air security in the world.
• Banana: #3 producer in the world
• Best Spanish: Colombians speak the best Spanish in all Latin America.
• Biodiversity #3 in the world, #1 per square meter.
• Butterflies #2 in number of species in the world.
• Birds #1 in number of species in the world, holds 20% of bird species in the world.
• Botero: One of the most prestigious artists in the world.
• Coffee- Third largest producer and one of the most recognized brands in the world.
• Emeralds #1 in the world
• Flowers #1 in the world
• Frogs #1 in the world
• Most important gold museum in the world.
• Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Nobel Prize Laureate – World record in sales of a book.
• Health: Fourth country in the world in terms of investments in health as a percentage of GDP
• Human bones #1 exporter in the world.
• Jungle in the Amazons, the lung of the world.
• Kogis - oldest Indian tribe in the planet.
• Largest gold deposits in South America.
• Largest peace march in the history of humanity (11 million people)
• Longest coast on the Caribbean
• Mammals: Fouth in species - 456 species.
• NASA´s Neurociences director: Rodolfo Llinas
• Nickel Fourth producer in the world.
• Oil estimated 37 billion barrels potential reserves
• Orchids - largest number of species – 3500 types (Priciest Exotic Flower in the World)
• Palm oil: 4th largest production and #1 in variety.
• Plants: #2 in the world
• Potatoes: #1 in Latin America
• Raspberries: Second largest producer in the world.
• Reptiles: #3 in species
• Refractive Surgery: #1 in the world.
• Shakira: #1 in Latin Billboard (#6 in US).
• Sugar: world leader in productivity.
• Universities of the highest caliber in Latin America. 88% Literacy rate.
• Vaccine against malaria discovered by Manuel Elkin Patarroyo.
• Water – Fourth producer in the world, 4,500 basins; 1,200 rives; 1,600 lakes and 1,900 swamps.
If you want to see more! Check this website : http://www.yocreoencolombia.com/en/colombia/


Yes! What a wonderful way to finish this year… After that my crazy and lovely husband came up with the idea: “I want to be a daddy!” and me, after being a little bit scare for all what it means, I though… What the heck! What else can happen? To be happier than what we already are? I can live with that…
And now we’re happily pregnant with 9 weeks. Time is passing kind of slow now, but I think that now that we’re going to Colombia for two months to visit our families, it will keep us really busy. The good think is that I will have my mommy cooking for me, the opportunity to buy nice things for babies at home and so far my Poso has been an angel with me...Actually he always is =)
The baby is too tiny now, but later I promise to put some pictures!!